Tuesday 19 July 2016

Life after Brexit

It has been a while since my last post but too many things are happening. Brexit affects us in many ways, psychologically and financially as well.

#First of all, me and my boyfriend were attacked by drunk English people in front of a pub, with the "Go the fuck home" sentence that could not be said for many years.. Then at workplaces, foreign workers are insulted, advised to go home. Nice...

Secondly, GBP value decreased.. A lot. I can feel it when converting, for example sending money home.

Thirdly, everything has become unsure. People do not dare to plan. We do not dare to change jobs, or quit jobs as we are afraid what comes next, we may be sent away if we become unemployed for some reason. I am not sure if I want to live like this for long... All my friends say we should stay until we can apply for citizenship. Half a year and I can apply for Permanent resident, and after that a year for citizenship. Ok, maybe I'll do it just in case... But my enthusiasm about my future here vanished...

Right now I am registered with two agencies, plus finished my catering job hopefully forever. Not a nice feeling to be insecure though... But I cannot do what I hate anymore. I had to break the line of catering jobs in my CV in order to get a better job one day. So here I am, at the age of 38, still studying, learning new jobs and skills...Getting tired...

That is all...Brexit is everywhere... Creating a gap between foreigners and English people. The future is hanging in the air...

Wednesday 6 July 2016

It has been a long time since my last post, but there seemed to be no interest and I lost interest. Mention should be made, I hardly ever open my computer, rather just use iPhone or iPad. Always in the rush.

I am still doing the catering job, but also I had the opportunity to work at a Special Education needs school. I loved it, This is something I would love to do. Sadly, it is only supply teaching assistant work, but I am hoping for the best from September. Until, I am trying to apply. Today an NHS application job, and I will try my best for something stable and better paying. I am fed up. I do not understand why they need 12-15 pages application forms at schools, it takes forever to apply for a job. Even for the NHS jobs I set up accounts for certain sites and I just log on and quick apply. All I need to write is the motivational letter. No hassle...

I would need at least an extra day off to be able to apply for jobs, plus study to finish my last exam. I will have too see how I can sold it, as my other half is not well-paid at the moment, so I cannot afford to loose money. |Also, Brexit hanging in the air..I am not sure if I want to stay an how long I want to stay. We already have been insulted, and my other half beaten by drunk English foreign haters, and at our workplaces there are always comments about us should leave... Fed up... Great disapointment.

Again, I am writing instead of applying. So I will keep this short as sadly my days are not 48-hours long.... We'll see if there is any interest anyways...

Have a nice day everybody.