Friday, 29 April 2016


One of the most exciting times is the first week at a new place. It is both full of excitement and stress. Everything is new, you have to learn the dynamics of the new place, where to find certain places, like post office, library, shops, etc. It takes a lot of time, not to mention the moving and packing part. For me there is always the stress whether the moving guy will be there in time, will have enough space in his van, and if he will help at all with loading. We had cases before when the moving guy turned up with the child seats in the car still, no extra storage space and still he charged us double price because we had to go to rounds. One guy never turned up, just texted us an hour before moving...  This time we were "lucky", the guy simply came two hours earlier without notice... Otherwise he was fine.

One of the most hated jobs for me is unpacking. Boxes everywhere, vacuum bags all over and a great mass in general. This time I invested in good quality plastic boxes, so everything looks better and whatever |I don't need I can keep in them and it looks a bit more organised and definitely neater. We are also lucky because we moved to a big house, which we only share with a couple (the owners) and their son who is leaving to uni in September. Plenty of space and first time ever abroad I have the luxury of two rooms. As soon as I sorted out my stuff, it will be such a nice feeling. It already is... Simple things like having your own bathroom and toilet. Neat and clean. No need to wait for them when you really need to go. Living in shared houses is really hard for years and years. As a couple, even more challenging.

So here we are, finally living by the sea, my dream has come true. Still not fully private rent, but we are quite separated, so I can survive sharing the kitchen and the washing machine :)

And the bonus: dogs :) I could not keep a dog myself, but these people have three in the house so I have plenty of love to spread around :)

It is a strange feeling to live at a place which is a holiday location, I constantly feel like wow. I love the sea :)

This is it for now. I have got the frustrating duty to go and spread more CVs... That is the other really stressful pat of moving. Finding a new job. Again, my other half was luckier... We'll see what the next two weeks bring for me.

Have a nice day everyone.

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